We began by considering a "real-life" problem, which was presented to us by handout:
We discussed the problems in groups and thought about the different ways in which it could be solved, what you would do as the starter activity in this lesson and how you would extend the task.
Possible extensions discussed involved finding the minimum length of fence needed to separate the land; turning a quadrilateral into a triangle of the same area and then proving by induction that any shape could be turned into a triangle of equal area by using the same technique.
This problem was posed in a Japanese classroom; the full lesson can be seen on the website. The key points to take from this lesson were:
- ensuring personal reading and thinking time before group discussion
- motivation by selecting 2 students for Bando and Chiba
- students drew solutions on board before group discussion
- hint cards for differentiation
- verbal explanation of problems avoids problems with different reading times
- second problem was still a high level problem
- hint cards are not read aloud
Later in the pub we discussed the idea of reading each others' Curriculum Assignments anonymously, so I have created a folder here:
Each intern will need to request permission to access this folder.