
Tuesday 21 June 2016

#10minwin: Speed Mathing

A lot of what we do at GCSE level is recapping knowledge that at least some students already have, so the idea behind this is
"the knowledge is in the room"
(thanks to James Wise & Simon Thompson for this!)

Each student was given some information about a unit conversion, from which they had to come up with a problem and write it on a post-it.

Students then arranged their chairs in two rows (they were surprisingly efficient at doing this!), and they had one minute to ask a question, including how to apply any conversion facts they were given.

These are a few of the question which have been collated and will form part of a procedural revision bank for later in the year.

We'll also be doing this tomorrow to recap angle rules, where each table will be given an angle fact as well as some examples and non-examples, then will speed math to share it.
The goal is a much higher engagement in the learning than recapping as a whole class.