
Wednesday 22 June 2016

#10minwin: Flipped Learning Teamwork

I really loved the idea (seen here) of students getting lots of video input from different sources and then sharing it in the classroom, so I'm going to embed this into the Flipped Learning course I'm running for the M1 module of A Level Maths.

Students sit on tables of 4, so each person in the group will select a different video to watch in advance of the lesson.
The following lesson, they will then feed back to their peers and if all goes well have all the knowledge required!

Most students have really enjoyed being in control of their knowledge learning pace by using the flipped classroom this year, so this activity should hopefully tackle the "you can't force me to watch the video before the lesson" as this time they'll be letting down their group and friends if it's not done.

File template can be found here.