
Sunday, 22 March 2015

#10minwin - Double-Sided Scaffolding

An idea which only popped into my brain whilst running through ideas with a music teacher... double-sided worksheets. Both sides have the same material covered, but one side has significantly more scaffolding.

This enables all pupils to be given the same sheet so no-one feels singled out, but pupils have a little more assistance if needed.

An example for an investigation of area and perimeter is below:
Non-scaffolded version - worksheets are given out this way up

Scaffolding for each section of the worksheet, specifically some examples to help pupils get started.

Friday, 6 March 2015

#10minwin - Planning to Teach Framework

Example of the Planning to Teach Framework for
the C2 chapter on Exponentials and Logarithms
During my PGCE we worked from and edited a Planning to Teach Framework, suitable for any topic.

Continuing to use this as a starting point during my NQT, I find myself adding to the misconceptions and anticipated after every lesson and test, thinking about ways to change the way I teach the topic the following year.

To save every beginning teacher from having to go through this process, I'm uploading the ones I have been working on so far in the hope that others can use them and add to them!

Planning to Teach Frameworks can be found here.