Sure, it's easy to type an RSS feed into flipboard and subscribe to it individually, but when in Google Reader I was subscribed to most of David Wees list of maths and education blogs, plus a few additions, so it would have taken me some time to add them + given me over 40 pages of flipboard tiles.
The answer: RSS Mix
Simply paste the RSS feeds into the textbox (maximum of 100), click create and you'll be given your own rssmix URL which can be read as a single magazine in Flipboard. To do this click the search button in the top right hand corner of the Flipboard menu page, and paste the URL (I'm using
The drawback of this is that deleting blogs from the list means going back to your original spreadsheet, then re-creating the RSS Mix, then re-importing into Flipboard, but you'd hope this wouldn't happen that often.
The solution isn't perfect, but it's a start until Flipboard allow synchronisation with a Feedly account or similar.