
Friday 28 September 2012

To proportion and beyond!

Today's session with Anne was all about linking shape, algebra and number.

We began by first considering Task 6, where we are to mark a set of books and were offered the following suggestions:
1. Use post-its so you don't "commit" yourself to the feedback

2. Strategies to ensure you have a life:
  • glance at all books and cover key mistakes next lesson
  • get students to peer mark in class for quick questions
  • have a key question to look at for every student during the lesson, which will show their understanding well
We then looked at various samples of poor marking and decided on what comments / feedback would be more appropriate. The comments can be found here.

Next we moved onto looking at the number of minimal paths that could be taken between a point and the origin on a graph...

and found that Pascal's Triangle popped out!

By the final task, I think we were all feeling very Friday afternoon-like and therefore struggled to understand what was going on with our formula for a T...

... when one intern remembered the session was meant to finish at 4pm!