
Thursday, 19 February 2015

#10minwin - Questions and Prompts - Thank You Anne Watson!

Away from the hustle, bustle, report and marking of the term, I find myself with some time to really think about how I am going to present the upcoming material to each year group.

Dusting off "Questions and Prompts" by Anne Watson and John Mason, under whom I was fortunate enough to train, I remembered all the wonderful ways to phrase questions that we'd looked at on my PGCE. Now to make sure they became a part of every lesson...

So as an additional to the PTTF (Planning to Teach Framework) I have created a Planning to Question Framework (PTQF) based on the ideas in this book. Following their categorisation, the framework is split into 8 sections:

  • definitions
  • examples and counter-examples
  • facts, theorems and properties
  • techniques
  • conjectures and problems
  • explanations, justifications, reasoning, proofs
  • representation and notation
  • links, relationships and connections

 On the right are a few ideas for probability, coming soon to a Year 7 class...

The original file can be downloaded and adapted from here.

Work in progress examples can be found in the PTQF folder here.

Conveyor Belt Marking from @TeacherToolkit

Thursday, 5 February 2015

#10minwin - PRET or LRMSS Homeworks

PRET homeworks enable students to Practise, Recall, Extend and Think on a given topic.

The skills section gives learners quick practise on the technique to ensure they are comfortable with it and this has the advantage of being easy to self-assess the following lesson.

Following a homework, the stretch question is done in class, with those that have been able to complete it giving input of their ideas and strategies for solving. I particularly liked Q2 here on linear equations!

Maths teachers everywhere seem to be jumping on this - with Jo @mathsjem compiling them all into this handy website!