
Friday, 23 January 2015

#10minwin - Google Form Homework

The motivation of Lower 6th classes across the school is sometimes called into question by the number of students whose homework is not in on time, so I have begun to use online homeworks, giving me instant access to knowing who has completed the homework prior to going into the lesson.

Although it took a little bit of time to set up the questions and work the conditional formatting of the spreadsheet, I can now use this as a template for all online quizzes.

The actual homework can be found here:

This also gave me the advantage of reinforcing the belief that teachers monitor pupil participation out of lessons and I was able to send brief emails to students the night before homework was due to ensure it was completed (see the difference between completion of the Class 2 students vs Class 1 due to this reminder!)

Wednesday, 14 January 2015

Class Dojo

Over the past 4 months I have been trialing Class Dojo with my tutor group with the aim of raising aspirations for positive behaviour within the form.

Students can earn points for meeting the expectations I have of them, e.g. smartly dressed, being silent during the register, helping others, having their planner signed by parents as well as additional points for going above and beyond, e.g. house spirit for participating in a house competition or assembly, good news either from home or from other teachers.

I am thrilled with the effect that it is having on the tutor group and that the simplicity of the competitive nature as I see pupils asking the top scorers how they are achieving so many points is fantastic!

Class Dojo is also being trialled by other members of staff in my school, and we compiled this list of strategies that we have found to be effective.

Strategies that have Worked Well
  • extra point for everyone if they all remember books
  • 10 points = a merit
  • give prefects app access in tutor time (can limit what they can do)
  • show whole class pie chart for a lesson to show positives and negatives
  • class total found through reports => whole class
  • refresh every half term to avoid a large gap appearing